Thursday, September 25, 2008

Holland, Michigan

Hey everybody! Sorry about how long it's been since my
last post...

When we were at the beach in Michigan, Jeff found some sand dunes that we
could jump off of. It was pretty fun!

Mom & Tom went back down to the beach to get these pics of the sunset. It looks amazing.

That night we got ice cream at a place called Coldstone Creamery. I got the biggest

one they had and I pretty much regretted that decision.

Ethan's buried in the sand here. We tried to have him put on the
snorkling gear to breath, but it didn't last long!

Ethan and I, enjoying some lake time. At one point Jeff & me went out to where it was at least 11 feet deep. It made me nervous trying to swim back because I already used all my strength on the way out...

Levi went around taking pics of everyone. ( notice me drinking out of the sippy cup)

More Levi...

Jose (a guy from my Dad's work) helped us clean up after another big tree fell.
This tree is our next victim!

This is a set I rebuilt that was my Dad's from before I was born. Can you see the Star Wars figures I threw in?

~Hey everyone! I'll try to post again sooner next time! Ethan, Mel, Levi, & I have been doing soccer for the past 3 weeks. E & me weren't going to play but our coach did't have enough players and somehow our break from this season isn't going to happen! On Tuesday us 3 boys spent the night at our uncle Tom's house. We watched the Three Stooges and the first X-men. In my next post I'll post about some other things that are going on with us. It just took all my strength to upload the pictures though! Thanks everyone!


Laurie and company said...

Nice post, Will. It's always neat to see life from your perspective.

love the sippy cup picture. you will always be a 3-year old kid in my mind, and this pic confirms this.

Love you,


Tory said...

I do like your perspective! So good to see that you are still blogging. Hope school is going well, and you are having fun with soccer. I believe I saw a little Darth Vader, but then again, I thought I saw Luke Skywalker. It could just be wishful thinking...but, then again, there would be Chubaka! Have a great weekend, Tory

Hannah-Indiana said...

WOW, WILL! The SUMMER SUNSET is SWEET. MICHIGAN looks MARVELOUS. LIKE and LOVE the new LOOK (blog look I mean)! MISS you, MELANIE, MOLLY and the rest.

Sorry, I just decided to alliterate one of my comments. (The alliterated words are the BIG ones.) It's a pretty fun thing to practice sometimes.


Anyway, see y'all on Monday